The breakthrough of the bioethical conception of Fritz
Jahr is an invitation to reconsider the theme under a few aspects that enhance
and promote an in-depth reflection on the ethical relationship towards all
forms of life on the planet. Here it deals specifically with the contribution
of the author to Christian communities in view of the significant presence in
society today. Fritz Jahr considers in his thoughts on the foundation of
religions regarding care for all forms of life. He highlights relevant aspects
of his own faith, the Christian faith, and, like the oriental religions, the
core of his message is love and compassion. The applicability of the Bioethical
Imperative of Fritz Jahr – “Respect every living being on principle as an end
in itself and treat it, if possible, as such!” – is extensive. The
transversal approach on education and the author’s concern for formal/informal
ethical building is revealed as a unique form of establishing a new way of
being on the planet that allows a future for the Earth. (Geni Maria Hoss, 2014)
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